About Us


In 2020, the Africa HepatoPancreatoBiliary Cancer Consortium (AHPBCC) was organized to harness resources and expertise across the African Continent, the United States, and Europe to investigate the influences of lifestyle, environment, viral and host biological factors on the development of HPB cancers. Today the Consortium has more than 200 clinicians and research investigators who inform new strategies for risk prevention, early detection, and improved survival of patients with these cancers.

To expand the overall knowledge of HPB cancers, the Consortium members present an Annual Conference. This forum provides a framework for discussion, development, and pursuit of new research directions, fosters collaborations among the academic, medical, and scientific communities, and supports the development of early career physicians and clinicians.

The AHPBCC is a program administered by the WAILD Foundation Inc., a 501c3 organization registered in the United States and Ghana. The Foundation has secured a 3-year grant from the US National Institutes of Health to support the 2022, 2023 and 2024 AHPBCC Conference activities.

Projects of Interest

  • Biospecimen, Clinical and Epidemiological Data
  • Environmental and Lifestyle Factors
  • Host Tumor Biology and Survival Outcomes
  • Host Genetic Variation and Gene-Environment Interaction that leading to cancer predisposition
  • Viral Genotype and Genetic Variation in Hepatopancreaticobiliary cancers
  • Molecular Genomic Epidemiology
  • Shape Clinical Guidelines for the diagnosis, clinical management, and treatment of liver, bile tract, and pancreatic cancer
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