2024 AHPBCC Conference Call for Abstracts

Are you attending the Africa HepatoPancreatoBiliary Cancer Consortium Conference in Mombasa? Please consider submitting an abstract for our poster presentation sessions. Posters give authors and conference participants the opportunity to connect with each other and build upon the foundation of shared knowledge and collaboration.


  • Abstracts are open to all professionals invested in the field of HPB cancers.
  • Topics broadly related to HPB cancers, basic, translational, clinical or implementation science risk factors (viral hepatitis, aflatoxin, and others), clinical care, cancer or viral hepatitis elimination efforts, clinical or research capacity building efforts, and cancer registries will be accepted.

Benefits for Poster Presenters

  • Opportunity to present your work to peers and global leaders in HPB cancer research, viral hepatitis, patient advocacy, surgery, endoscopy, hepatology, gastroenterology, epidemiology, and many other fields.
  • Receive recognition awards.
  • Sharpen your presentation skills and abilities.

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstracts must be submitted online via the abstract submission form. No fax copies, disks, or email submissions will be accepted.
  • Poster abstract submissions must be in English.
  • Abstract text must not include citations.
  • Abstracts must not refer to proprietary names.
  • Institution names should not be included in the title or body of the abstract to ensure blinded and non-biased review.
  • In cases of previously reported data, authors are responsible for ensuring copyright compliance.

Participant Disclosure Information

  • Authors must disclose any significant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or providers of commercial services discussed in an educational presentation, as well as any discussion of unlabeled or unapproved use of drugs or devices.

Selection Criteria

  • Submissions will be reviewed and rated by members of the Abstract Review Committee who have clinical and research expertise in the field of HPB cancers.
  • Each submission will be reviewed for its scientific or clinical importance, ethical practice, and study design.
  • Exceptional abstract submissions will be selected for oral presentation.

Important Information

  • Acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee travel sponsorship.
  • Abstract submissions are due April 1st, 2024.


Please contact posters@waild.org

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