
Program Overview

The 2024 conference on “Advancing Global Collaborations to Implement HepatoPancreatoBiliary Cancer Prevention and Care in Africa” presents an extensive, four-day program structured to address the critical aspects of HPB cancer research, prevention, and care. Our agenda is meticulously designed to facilitate insightful discussions, foster global collaborations, and highlight the latest advancements in the field. Each day focuses on a specific theme, building upon the knowledge and collaborations established in the preceding sessions.

Pre-Conference Workshops

Topics include Advanced Endoscopy, Surgical Skills for Disease Intervention, Grant Writing, Patient Advocacy in Africa and more. 

Understanding HPB Cancers

The conference kicks off with an exploration of the epidemiology and innovations in HPB cancer diagnosis and treatment, setting a solid foundation for subsequent discussions.

Prevention and Early Detection

Discussions take a deep dive into preventive strategies, public health policies, and the crucial role of early detection in effectively managing HPB cancers.

Enhancing Treatment and Care

Focusing on treatment advancements and the improvement of care, these sessions address current challenges and explores future directions in HPB cancer therapy.

Global Collaboration

The closing sessions are dedicated to reinforcing international partnerships, sharing success stories, and discussing emerging technologies and research avenues in the fight against HPB cancers.

2022 Conference

2022 Conference

Thank you to all that supported and attended our inaugural Africa HepatoPancreatoBiliary Cancer Consortium Scientific Conference: “Transforming HepatoPancreatoBiliary Cancer Research and Care in the Omics Era!” We had over 150 attendees from 25 countries around the world!
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2023 Conference

2023 Conference

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and participated in the 2nd Africa HepatoPancreatoBiliary Cancers Consortium (AHPBCC) Annual Conference, held at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra, Ghana.
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